|Access Karting Scheme Reaches 5000 Laps

Multi-award winning karting specialists Formula Fast recently reached an incredible milestone, with an amazing 5000 lap total recorded under a charitable scheme aimed at making karting as accessible as possible.

The Access Karting Scheme – which is designed to offer bespoke sessions for those with limited mobility, learning difficulties, or other special requirements – has been in operation from the very beginning in Milton Keynes, after being founded originally at Formula Fast’s former Banbury location in 2010.

The purpose of the Scheme is to enable those who might otherwise be unable to take part in motorsport to enjoy an exciting and safe experience at Formula Fast, whether that is through driving themselves, or riding with an instructor in a state-of-the-art Sodi ‘2 Drive’: a 270cc, two-seater, Dual-Control kart purchased by the owners in 2015.

Formula Fast owner, Phil Stanley said:

“We’re incredibly proud to achieve this milestone. Over the years we’ve invested a lot of time and money into making karting accessible to everyone, and our 2-Drive kart in particular has enabled us to open the experience up to a much wider range of potential drivers.”

“A huge thanks should go to everyone who has supported or taken part in this scheme, and in particular to our instructors, who not only put a lot of smiles on faces, but have also had the stamina to rack up an incredible amount of laps accompanying drivers on the scheme – 5000 laps is roughly the equivalent to driving to Spain and back!”

Formula Fast run the Access Karting Scheme as a not-for-profit activity, with carers able to drive for free. Guests who don’t necessarily want to drive are also welcome to visit the live motorsport circuit and experience the hugely sensory environment full of exciting noises, vibrations and colours.

Sessions are typically approximately 20 Minutes long, although with the pre-session preparations and time afterwards to review laptimes, participants should generally allow an hour or more for the entire experience. The sessions are generally tailored around the driver so no one session is ever the same!

Further details and criteria can be found via the website. To book a private Access Karting session, call the circuit directly on 01908 904111 or email sales@formulafast.co.uk for more information.

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