|Why You Should Be Karting Indoors This Summer

The sun is out, the thermal underwear has been put back into hibernation and the Formula 1 season is in full swing.

This can only mean one thing – summer is here!

For most would-be drivers who are thinking of booking a karting event at this time of year, there is a choice to be made between going outdoors or indoors.

Milton Keynes now has a fantastic choice of venues, with Formula Fast featuring one of the biggest indoor circuits in the UK, and Daytona Milton Keynes a little further north offering a very well-established outdoor option.
Outdoor circuits are traditionally busiest during the summer months, and without hesitation I would recommend any keen karter with some spare time to sample some outdoor tracks like Daytona and get a broad experience of driving in all conditions on a variety of circuits. For the uber-competitive, Daytona’s Dmax series is a great way of experiencing something a bit quicker without having to buy your own gear.

However, it’s obviously my opinion that you should be doing most of your racing at Formula Fast… and you might be surprised at some of the reasons why I think our offering is the better choice when summer arrives.

1. You can’t rely on the weather.

We British are pretty naïve when it comes to the weather. Despite frequent foretellings of barbeque summers and round-the-clock sunshine, in reality we rarely get the Mediterranean utopia predicted by the tabloids, and as a result you still stand a very good chance of getting rained on. Getting soaked through can put a downer on a karting experience, it’s tricky to get the technique right without spinning, and it’s not much fun for spectators.

Formula Fast Indoor Karting MK is – you guessed it – indoors! No rain to worry about, and therefore a consistent platform on which to build your speed each time you drive. A big, well-ventilated arena with abundant natural light is yours to enjoy, and in the summer almost an entire side of the venue is opened up, courtesy of our massive roller doors. So when it is nice outdoors, you get sunshine and a cool breeze – but without any of the negatives associated with the extremes of the British weather.

2. Go exclusive for less

At Formula Fast, you can have the circuit to yourself with as few as six drivers. Ideal for an intimate gathering of friends or if you’re looking to impress some key clients – the track is all yours.

3. Families can drive together

Thanks to our remote electronic speed management system, Formula Fast can safely run mixed-age family sessions of up to 8 drivers at a time on track (without speed restrictions, if everyone’s keeping to the rules!). The Easter and Summer holidays are some of the best times of year for the family to enjoy something exciting together, and a shared karting experience is something they’ll never forget.

Outdoor circuits tend to split adults and juniors – sensibly, because with the track covering such a large area and speeds between karts vastly different, it can be tricky to manage a mixed age group. Unfortunately, this means you may be stuck watching your youngster have all the fun from the sidelines (or vice versa).

Book as a family and you’ll also automatically get exclusive use of the track, tailored to your group’s capabilities. Better still, if your youngster is new to karting you’ll get to see them enjoying themselves first hand, as they receive lots of practical instruction from our team before they take to the track.

4. Size matters!

When you race outdoors, you’re usually paying for a drive on something a little bigger. Fair point – but this doesn’t always mean everyone gets the same experience, as Junior drivers are often given a smaller circuit to drive on than the adults.

Juniors at Formula Fast race by default on the same circuit layout as the adults – and with one of the biggest indoor circuits in the UK, we reckon they’ll have a truly awesome time blasting around the variety of corner types that our British Championship circuit has to offer.

Spectators also get to enjoy the action on an epic scale – by using our massive mezzanine viewing area and lounge overlooking the entire circuit – not just one corner.


The track’s getting very booked up for Summer – so don’t leave it too late to book your experience on the track. Try out our top-notch Sodi GT-5’s or Biz Evos for yourself and you’ll receive a warm service from a team who’s sole ambition is to give you the experience of a lifetime.

I can absolutely recommend it, and you won’t need an umbrella…

Phil Stanley
Managing Director

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